Sparechair Café is a popular local community hub with a primary focus to serve our community. THE CAFÉ HAS a dual role, to serve delicious food and deliver VARIOUS HOSPITALITY TRAINING PROGRAMS.

100% of our profits are used to 
  • Re-invest back into the Neighbourhood House and support the fantastic programs that are delivered.
  • To provide learning opportunities and employment pathways to those who would otherwise experience disadvantage through mainstream learning institutions.

There are a number of training programs offered in hospitality at KNLC, all of which include practical placement through Sparechair. Each time you buy a coffee or meal you are supporting the ongoing skill development of our students.

In the past 13 years, the café has trained more than 400 people; employed 21 of the program’s graduates at any given time; and has successfully seen 72% of the students find work in hospitality or customer service roles.

As a not-for-profit, we need to make a profit for our programs to be sustainable. Therefore, 100% of our profits are used to support our programs. These profits enable us to provide free training places to young people who are financially disadvantaged. It also supports our Pay it Forward program.

We have always put people first. As we continue our journey we will continue to do so, with an added emphasis on the health of our planet, and how we can support it by minimising our environmental impact.